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Don't Forget To Vote for Juan Karlos Labajo on MOR 101.9 Manila, Now Number 5 on MORBiga10 April 16 2016

Check out the latest results on MOR Biga 10. Juan Karlo Labajo is presently at the fifth spot on MORBiga10‬ for April 16 2016, vote daily on their page, Facebook and Twitter. www.mor1019.com

Related new music report:

Beyoncé has discharged a sneak peak for another task she has been taking a shot at for HBO.

Fans, who excitedly anticipate the vocalist's 6th studio collection, have been offered something to hold them over for now.

The venture, 'Lemonade', has been teased as a world debut occasion and will screen on April 23.

An Instagram post from Sony UK called "Lemonade" another single, however later changed the post, Billboard reports.

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Welcome to the magical world of radio. It's been around for more than a century. With different technologies challenging in the past, yet still is strong than ever.

Take a listen to your favorite songs. Thanks for always believing in radio. The most powerful medium on earth.

Check out the latest results on MOR Biga 10. Juan Karlo Labajo is presently at the fifth spot on MORBiga10‬ for April 16 2016, vote daily on their page, Facebook and Twitter. www.mor1019.com

Related new music report:

Beyoncé has discharged a sneak peak for another task she has been taking a shot at for HBO.

Fans, who excitedly anticipate the vocalist's 6th studio collection, have been offered something to hold them over for now.

The venture, 'Lemonade', has been teased as a world debut occasion and will screen on April 23.

An Instagram post from Sony UK called "Lemonade" another single, however later changed the post, Billboard reports.
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